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At Blockmetrix, we are driven to bring the highest degree of professionalism to the crypto mining industry.


What is bitcoin mining?

The short answer is simple.

It's validating bitcoin network transactions in exchange for bitcoin.  

The beauty of the bitcoin network's blockchain technology  is that there is no central authority controlling bitcoin or bitcoin transactions on the network.

Those that help  validate transactions get paid with bitcoin.

The network pays people for the work they do validating transactions. In exchange for helping sustain the system, they are rewarded with bitcoin.

The bitcoin network uses outside help to validate its transactions.

Because there is no central authority controlling transactions, the network uses the power of computers participating in the network to  make sure that everyone is following the rules.

These "validators" are called bitcoin miners.

They are called miners because the bitcoin reward from the network consists of newly minted bitcoins. This is how new bitcoin are introduced into circulation.

The Blockmetrix Bitcoin Mining Operation

The Most Advanced Mining Equipment

Blockmetrix has developed highly coveted direct relationships with the most competitive mining equipment manufacturers. The mining equipment market is highly fluid, but these strong relationships ensure that we can get equipment at the best possible times, quantities, and costs.

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The Right Facility

We want to maximize the potential of our equipment which means putting it in the right facility.


The facility where we will house our mining equipment gives us access to:

  • Strong on-site security and surveillance

  • Remote analytics for monitoring miner condition and performance

  • Low electrical costs

  • renewable power

More Than Mining

Mining bitcoin is only the beginning. We intend to use our bitcoin we mine to take advantage of adjacent opportunities. 

We are going to use the proceeds of our operation to:

  • Expand by acquiring more rigs

  • Research and develop emerging revenue sources in cryptocurrency 

  • Loan bitcoin

  • pursue large-scale future opportunities such as establishing a crypto exchange or mining rig co-hosting facility  

The Blockmetrix
Leadership Team

Want to Talk Bitcoin Mining?

 We love talking about bitcoin mining and everything Crypto. If you want to learn more, don't hesitate to reach out.

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NOTICE: It has come to our attention that unauthorized individuals or organizations are falsely using the BLOCKMETRIX name in an attempt to pass themselves off as Blockmetrix LLC, with the intent to defraud individuals by offering fraudulent cryptocurrency investment schemes on various Internet websites and other platforms. Blockmetrix LLC does not solicit or accept individual investments in this way. We are a self-miner, so we do not have clients nor do we provide any kind of service, including mining on your behalf or hosting your crypto miners.


Should you have any doubts about the authenticity of a website, email, instant message, letter or telephone communication purportedly from, for, or on behalf of Blockmetrix LLC, please send us an email query at before taking any further action. If you believe a crime was committed, please report it to the appropriate authorities.

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